Pollos Mexico
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Our Services

Charcoal-Grilled Chicken

Charcoal-Grilled Chicken

Mexican Food

Mexican Food



    At Pollos Mexico, our food truck is not just a vehicle. It's a moving fiesta of flavors and culinary delights. Nestled in the heart of Las Vegas, NV, we bring delectable meals right to the streets.

    Our charcoal-grilled chicken stands as a testament to our commitment to authenticity. With every bite, you can taste the smoky nuances and seasoned expertise that go into its preparation.

    But that's not all. Dive into our Mexican food selection, where each dish bursts with tradition. From zesty tacos to sumptuous burritos, our menu is a flavorful journey through Mexico's rich heritage.

Grilled chicken

Planning an event? Our catering service ensures that your guests experience the essence of true Mexican cuisine, served hot and fresh.

At Pollos Mexico, we champion the finest ingredients, time-honored homemade recipes, and authentic Mexican techniques. It's not just about feeding. It's about relishing an authentic experience.

So, amigos, if your taste buds are seeking adventure, come find our food truck and let's celebrate with a hearty "¡Vamos a comer!"

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